Now Booking Fall 2024 Weddings and Beyond!

Happy New Year!  I hope you have a lovely holiday season and are as excited about kicking off a brand new year as I am.  RC is officially back to regular hours tomorrow but I’m anxious to get back to work so today I’m excited to share with you a little bit about my vision for this year.

2023 business vision

Growth 2.0

This year is all about continuing or building off of the wins from last year.  I shared a simple recap of this past year last week that you can check out if you are interested.

In a nutshell below is a list of a few of my goals for this year:

  • Make more time for education so that I can improve RC even more, make my own skills better, etc.
  • Work on and improve strategies for social media, email, etc.
  • Continue to develop RC’s use of Dubsado for better efficiency, client experience, less buying friction, etc.
  • Grow revenue by 15-20% over last year
  • Complete 3 new launches in 2023
  • Complete studio / shop renovations and open back up

More time for learning

I’ve always tried to schedule time in my day for education or self-improvement.  From customer service skills to learning social media trends to new design techniques.  It’s easy to put on the back burner when things are crazy in the shop but this year I’m planning to schedule time just like client work or content creation.

Improve digital Marketing Strategies

With some data to evaluate from last year, I want to use that information to closer evaluate what has been working, what hasn’t and find ways to make my strategies for social media, email marketing, blogging, etc. even better not just for the sake of RC but to better serve you!  You are the reason I’m here after all.

Continue with Dubsado

With time spent away during the later part of last year due to the health of my Dad, I plan to get back on track with all the tools in Dubsado so that RC can run more efficiently and serve our clients in the best possible way!

Complete 3 New Launches

2023 will include three new launches; our Wedding Collection coming in just a couple of weeks, a fall collection due to launch in August and our Holiday Collection with a launch date planned for October.

Our Wedding Collection will be as it’s been for years, a large release of brand new wedding suite designs to kick off a brand new season for weddings.  As always, our wedding collection includes save the dates, wedding invitations and a variety of day of items perfectly coordinated to carry the them from “will you?” to “thank you”.

Our Fall Collection will include a collection of fall themed stationery as well as a small collection of new wedding designs.  This worked really well for us this past year and we are going to try it again.  This release of wedding stationery will likely be a little different from our primary launch but more details will be given as we approach the August Launch.

Our holiday collection will be a release of brand new holiday greetings and other stationery.  We are also considering a collaboration with our partner company (my home and lifestyle site) to release specialty gift wrap, gift tags and maybe some items for the home.

Studio / Shop Renovations

One of the goals for 2022 was to do a complete shop renovation and between my personal life, client load and decision paralysis, once my office was completed, the rest of the work stalled.  While I don’t expect we’ll be doing a full gut renovation this year, we do have a few improvements in the works in the hopes that we’ll be able to open the space back up to walk-ins and retail.

Let’s Do this!

This year is bound to bring it’s fair share of unexpected road bumps and challenges and I always do my best to remain flexible when things come along that I wasn’t expecting.  This vision for the year gives me a roadmap, a guide of sorts, to help keep me focused so that I’m not aimlessly wandering from task to task without any idea of the destination.

Now, let’s get to making this a great year together!

2023 business vision